Prefecture Of Xanthi
- Area (sq.km):
- Population (2001): 101.510
- Population Density(hab/sq.km):
- Capital City:
- Number of Hotels:
- Number of hotel Rooms:
Camping Sites
- Communal Myrodatou,
Mirodato Xanthi, Tel: 25410 51379
Domestic Port Authorities
- City: Porto Lagos
- Harbour: Lagos
- Category: Deputy Port Authority
- Tel: 25410 96666
- VHF Channels: 12,
Long Distance Buses
- From Athens daily to: XANTHI
- Ktel Address:
Kifissou St.
- Tel: 210 5132084
- Route: 09.00, 19.00
- Return: 09.30, 19.00
- Price: 40,40
- Duration: 10 hrs
- Name: Bistonis
- Location: Xanthi
- Area (Km2):
- Name: Nestos
- Location: Xanthi
- Length: 103km
Mountaineering Clubs
- Name: Xanthi Alpine Club
- Location: Xanthi
- Address: 26, Brokoumi Street, or P.O. Box 190, 671
00 Xanthi
- Telephone:
25410 24818
Mountain Refuges
- Name: Livaditis Refuge
- Mountain: Rodopi
- Office: Xanthi Alpine Club
- Address: P.O. Box 190671 00 Xanthi
- Place: Livaditis (1.220 m)
- Capacity: 36 persons
- Heat: Fireplace, central heating
- Water Supply: Spring
at distance of 15 m
- Kitchen: Organized
- Toilet: Indoor
- Telephone:
25410 24818
- Name: Xanthi's Carnival
- Location: Xanthi
- Description:
In Xanthi, during Carnival, people celebrate
the revival of the old custom of Tzaros
or Tzarous (female). According to local
tradition, Tzaros or Tzarous was a human
effigy, placed on top of a pile of holm-oak
brush-wood. On the last Sunday of the Carnival,
it is burnt in the open, in a square or
on a hill, so that they would not have fleas
during summer. This custom was brought by
refugees from Samakov in Eastern Thrace
and is re-enacted each year by the inhabitants
of the Samakov village, near the bridge
over the River Kosynthos at Xanthi. The
word Tzaros comes from the particular noise
of burning wood (the sizzling sound). Immediately,
after a fantastic fireworks demonstration
- Municipal Development Enterprise, Xanthi:
Tel: 25410 73640, 25410 22632