- Area (sq.km):
- Population(1991):
- Population(2001):
- Population Density(1991): 18
- Population Density(2001):
- Change% 2001/1991:
- Length of Coast (km):
- Traditional Settlements:
Lefkos, Messohori, Olimbos, Tristomo, Finiki
- Airports: Yes
Domestic Port Authorities
- City: Pigadia
- Island: Karpathos
- Harbour: Karpathos
- Category: Deputy Port Authority
- Tel: 22450 22227
- VHF Channels:
- Name: Poseidon
- Location: Karpathos
- Island: Karpathos
- Description: Poseidon Cave. The cave that occupies the site known as
"Myloi" constitutes a monumental rock-cut
tomb or sanctuary. This particular type
was very common in the East Aegean Sea.
Certain traces hint at the existence of
a wooden cover at the mouth of the cave.
The latter was probably a sanctuary dedicated
to Aphrodite, a very popular goddess with
the lower social class. Statuettes of the
goddess have been found in Pigadia. In all
probability, the open-air sanctuary of the
goddess stood in Parthenos Cave, 2 km away,
in the area of Vathypotamos. Owing to its
continuous and extensive use by shepherds,
the cave has been eroded over time.
- Name: Karpathos's Carnival
- Location: Karpathos
- Island: Karpathos
- Description:
On Ash Monday, according to the custom,
inhabitants establish the Popular Court
Of Justice for Rudeness. Some people make
improper or vulgar gestures to others, and
are arrested by the policemen (Tzafedes),
so they are brought to the Court of Justice
for Rudeness, made up of the respected people
of the island. The Court Session is extremely
funny, people exchange a lot of accusations,
then comes the sentence of the Court, and
at the end comes a big traditional party.
- Municipality of Karpathos:
Tel.: 22450 22556, 22450 22427