Time in Greece now:   Regions/Prefecture of Fokida

::General Info
::Practical Information
::Tourism Police


  • Prefecture Of Fokida
    • Area (sq.km): 2.120
    • Population (2001): 48.526
    • Population Density(hab/sq.km): 23
    • Capital City: Amfissa
    • Number of Hotels: 67
    • Number of hotel Rooms: 3.284
  • Tourism Police Station
    • Name: Tourism Police Station
    • Location: Delfi
    • Address: 46, Apollonos Street, P.O. Box 330 54 Delphi
    • Telephone: 22650 82220

    • Name: Tourism Police Station
    • Location: Itea
    • Address: 68, Karaiskaki Street, P.O. Box 332 00 Itea
    • Telephone: 22650 33333
  • Camping sites
    • Apollon, Delfi Fokida, Tel: 22650 82750
    • Ayannis, Kirra Fokida, Tel: 22650 32555
    • Beach Camp, Itea Fokida, Tel: 22650 32305
    • Chrissa, Hrisso Fokida, Tel: 22650 82050
    • Delphi, Hrisso Fokida, Tel: 22650 82745
    • Doric, Agios Nikolaos Fokida, Tel: 22660 31722
    • Karapelis, Kirra Fokida, Tel: 22650 32330
  • Domestic Port Authorities
    • City: Itea
    • Harbour: Itea
    • Category: Deputy Port Authority
    • Tel: 22650 32319
    • VHF Channels: 12, 18, 21

    • City: Itea
    • Harbour: Itea
    • Category: Navigation Station
    • Tel: 22650 32319
    • VHF Channels: 12

    • City: Galaxidi
    • Harbour: Galaxidi
    • Category: Port Authority Station
    • Tel: 22650 41390
    • VHF Channels: 12
  • Long distance buses
    • From Athens daily to: AMFISSA
    • Ktel Address: Liossion St..
    • Tel: 210 8317096
    • Route: 07.30, 10.30, 15.30, 17.30, 20.00
    • Return: 05.00, 08.30, 10.30, 13.00, 15.30, 17.30, 20.30 (Sun. only)
    • Price: 11,25
    • Duration: 3 hrs 30'

    • From Athens daily to: DELFI
    • Ktel Address: Liossion St..
    • Tel: 210 8317096
    • Route: 07.30, 10.30, 13.00, 15.30, 17.30, 20.00
    • Return: 05.30 (exc. Sun.), 07.30 (Sun. only), 09.00, 11.00, 13.30, 16.00, 18.00, 21.00
    • Price: 10,20
    • Duration: 3 hrs

    • From Athens daily to: GALAXIDI
    • Ktel Address: Liossion St..
    • Tel: 210 8317096
    • Route: 07.30, 10.30, 13.00, 17.30
    • Return: 07.30 (exc. Sat., Sun.) , 09.45, 12.30 (exc. Sat., Sun.), 15.00, 17.15 (Sun. only), 20.00 (Sun. only)
    • Price: 12,20
    • Duration: 4hrs
  • Rivers
    • Name: Mornos
    • Location: Fokida
    • Length: 70km
  • Mountaineering Clubs
    • Name: Amfissa Ski & Alpine Club
    • Location: Amfissa
    • Address: 9, Kehagia Square, 331 00 Amfissa
    • Telephone: 22650 28577, 22650 23420
  • Ski Clubs
    • Name: Eptalofos Ski Club
    • Location: Eptalofos
    • Address: 330 51 Eptalofos
    • Telephone: 22340 61363, 22340 61111
  • Mountain Refuges
    • Name: Vardoussia Refuge
    • Mountain: Vardoussia
    • Office: Amfissa Ski & Alpine Club
    • Address: Kehagia Sq. 9331 00 Amfissa
    • Place: Pitimaliko (1.960 m)
    • Has Telefone: 22650 62195, 22650 62484
    • Capacity: 90 persons
    • Heat: Oil stove, fireplaces
    • Water Supply: Tank and piped water from nearby river
    • Kitchen: Organized
    • Telephone: 22650 28577, 22650 23420
  • Carnivals
    • Name: Amfisa's Carnival
    • Location: Amfissa
    • Description: Legends about ghosts are very common in this part of Greece. It is said that the ghosts are souls of people or animals who have been killed and that they wander around the area. The most popular of all is the Ghost of Harmaina. This one, loved and protected the Tambakides(tanners) whose work forced them to be near by the waters day and night. Many people swear that they have seen this ghost walking at night all over the town and the spring nearby where it disappeared. Some of the older people believe that the Ghost of Harmaina used to walk every Saturday night; it would come down from the Brook of Kolokythou and wander across the streets, moaning and rattling its chains. During the last week-end of the carnival, the legend of the Ghost is re-enacted in Amfissa. Somebody disguised as the ghost of Harmaina, accompanied by people wearing carnival costumes, follow the course of the legendary ghost. Debates of satirical nature are held in the town?s historical coffee shop. Their main subject is of course the ghost and its legend.
    • Municipality of Amfissa: Tel.: 22650 28913, 22650 28233

    • Name: Galaxidi's Carnival
    • Location: Galaxidi
    • Description: During the Carnival period (Triodion), Galaxidi lives in the spirit of marry-making, because most of the locals go around in disguise. In every neighborhood, people set up large fires, to dance, eat, drink and have fun around. People of Galaxidi, do not attack each other with streamers, confetti and other carnival "ammunition" but they prefer, to sprinkle their fellow citizens with flour instead. This is a very old custom, starting since 1801 to nowadays. At those times, citizens of Galaxidi, despite the Turkish occupation, were willing to celebrate the Carnival, to dance and have fun. They used to dance in circles, one for the ladies the other for men. Most of them had masks on their face, or they just paint themselves black. As years went by, they added the habit to throw flour or other smooth powder to each other. All locals participate in this custom. The Carnival of Galaxidi, is very vivid and colorful. People keep the regional carnival customs with respect.
    • Municipality of Galaxidi: Tel.: 22650 41319
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