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Manuela Isaila - 09/06/2002

Dear Mrs. Voutsela, 

Let me tell you again that I was quite impressed
by your speed and efficiency in treating our
request,as well as your kindness over the phone.

Thanks a lot, and all the best,
Manuela Isaila

Mr Kinnear - 07/06/2002
Dear Fotini, We had a wonderful time in Athens, and the hotel even put us in the "matrimonial suite", which naturally had a double bed.

Thank you again for your help,
Mr Kinnear

Dr. Maciej Stepinski - 02/06/2002
Dear Niki, Once again thank You very much for complete assistance. I am happy that I organized part of my holiday with Your company. Now I feel save and relaxed because I know that I made a good choice. I am sure that in the future when (I hope) I will visit Greece again , I will choose Interdynamic as a holiday organizer. I wish You a very nice day.

With regards from Poland,
Dr. Maciej Stepinski

Alexey E. RUSSOV - 23/05/2002
Dear Mrs Doris Sofiou, Thanks a lot for your below response. I want to say that it may well be very practical to stay in some contact with you in the future, because although I live in GERMANY, I am a /Russian/ Orthodox and Russian citizen; I do like CYPRUS and I do love GREECE; and I am very nicely impressed by your fantastic online services. I wish you a very pleasant forthcoming weekend on your beautiful sunny Greek Mediterranean island of Crete.

Thank you,
Alexey E. RUSSOV

Thanks for your help and good service - 20/05/2002

Dear Mrs Voutsela Fany,

I would like to thank you for your great help in making my hotel reservations for my trip to Athens last March. 
I was very happy with the Hotel you have recommanded me : Attalos Hotel , Athens. 
My room was very nice with a wonderful view on the Lycavitos and the Acropolis from my balcony. 
Also the service was very good and people were kind and helpful. 
I will recommend this Hotel to anybody who wants a good stay in Athens . 

I will recommend your kind and efficient services to anybody that wants a good stay in Greece
Thank you again. 

Christina Formenton

Maureen Seymour - 17/05/2002

Thank you so much, you service has been absolutely marvelous - I thank you
again, and will recommend you to all my friends.
Have a nice weekend.

Maureen Seymour


Περισπούδαστοι και αγαπητοί,

Με την ευλογία της Α..Παναγιότητος του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου κ.κ.ΒΑΡΘΟΛΟΜΑΙΟΥ, το πρώτο δεκαπενθήμερο του προσεχούς μηνός Σεπτεμβρίου οργανώνεται από την 'Ι.Μητρόπολιν Λέρου, Καλύμνου καί Αστυπάλαιας, στο Πατριαρχικό Κέντρο στη Λέρο, με τη συμμετοχή διαπρεπών Καθηγητών Πανεπιστημίου από την Ελλάδα καί το εξωτερικό (μεταξύ άλλων οι κ.κ.Καθηγηταί: Γ.Μπαμπινιώτης, Γ.Μαντζαρίδης, Σ.Πάνου, Γ.Πατρώνος, Β.Γιούλτσης, κ.ά, καί επιφανών επισκεπτών Ελλήνων καί ξένων), Διεθνές Συνέδριον με θέμα: «Ορθοδοξία καί Οικουμένη». Θέμα πολυσήμαντο καί ιδιαίτερα επίκαιρο στη παγκοσμιο-ποιημένη εποχή μας, αλλά καί για την ακριτική περιοχή της Δωδεκανήσου.
Εις αυτόν λοιπόν τον καλόν καί ώραϊον αγώνα, προβληματισμού, μελέτης καί προβολής του οικουμενικού πνεύματος του Σεπτού Κέντρου της Πανορθοδοξίας, παρακαλούμε θερμά να είναι ή Εταιρεία σας χορηγός, διότι είναι γνωστές οί παραδοσιακές σχέσεις σας με την Μεγάλη του Χριστού Εκκλησία. Το πρόγραμμα καθώς καί τα πρακτικά του Συνεδρίου, τα οποία θα εκδωθούν, θα αναγράφουν φυσικά τον χορηγό της εκδηλώσεως.
Εκ των προτέρων ευχαριστούμε καί ευγνωμονούμε.

Διάπυρος Ευχέτης Σας
Πρόεδρος της Οργανωτικής Επιτροπή
Ο Λέρου, Καλύμνου καί Αστυπαλαίας Νεκτάριος

View original letter >>

Brian Fox - 09/05/2002
Dear Irini, Thank you for your e-mail and attachments, everything appears to be in order. Thank you for the efficient manner in which the booking has been conducted.

Kind regards,
Brian Fox

Chris and Eleni Makedonas - 02/05/2002
Dear Mrs. Stella Vitsaxaki, Thank you for your reply. I will call my travel agent and get our flight number as well as the arrival time in Santorini and provide you with it by next week. I have said it before, but it has been an absolute pleasure dealing with you. You have really made this process very easy and we are looking forward to our stay in Greece.

We wish you all the best,
Chris and Eleni Makedonas

Julie Carpenter - 02/05/2002
Thank you very much for these documents - all is clear and may I congratulate you on your efficient service.
Julie Carpenter

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